About Us


Bible Revelation Ministry is focused on spreading the truth of the gospel through the words of Jesus Christ, and taking your understanding of the Bible to the next level.

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God given to us for our total salvation, healing and deliverance, and that the voice of God is in the Bible.

Bible Revelation Ministry welcomes you to be part of this heavenly mission, and your involvement can mean a great harvest of life for you and your family.

“Understanding the Scriptures is the greatest achievement one can attain. It is the one and only path to eternal success in life.

“Once you understand the Sacred Writings the knowledge is yours forever, and it is profitable in this present life and in the life to come.”

“Extraordinary Writing of God” by Ben Ogen

“The Lord God used the apostles and prophets as His human copywriters to write the Bible. All Scriptures are the Word of God in writing, which is ‘Christ in Print.’ God is the original and the greatest copywriter, and He wrote a copy of Himself in the Bible.” “Solid Evidence of Christ” by Ben Ogun.

Most people think their possessions will make them happy or give them a sense of achievement in life, but nothing is farther from the truth. (See Luke 12:15). The single and the only ingredient that can make anyone happy or satisfied in life is the presence of God in one’s life.

Whether we know it or not, everyone is a house, which must be occupied and is never left vacant. Each house is occupied, either by an unclean spirit or by the Spirit of God. The occupier of the house determines the condition of each and every one of us.

Just imagine that there are two vehicles. One is a very expensive car owned by a driver who is almost always drunk. The other is a much cheaper car owned by a driver who never drinks and is always sober.

The very expensive car has a peculiar and a potential problem, not because there is anything wrong with the vehicle itself, but rather, because there is something wrong with the owner who might crash the vehicle at any time.

Obviously, the drunk owner/driver is not a friend of the very expensive car. That owner is that car’s enemy. The best way to free the very expensive car from the peculiar and imminent danger is if another person, a sober owner, takes possession of it.

The Lord Jesus says He is that good, sober driver who can take possession of you and deliver you from the hand of the drunk driver, which is the devil (see John 10:10-11).